In Honduras we don't have 4 seasons---we have 2--rainy season and dry season. Rainy season is from the beginning of May to the end of January. Dry season is the rest of the year--and is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the warmth and sunshine, and because our school is so good to us we haven't had to worry as much about the water rationing that affects so many people. And its also our anniversary, and Easter, and usually we get to go on a short trip to the beach for a couple of nights to rejuvenate before heading into the last month or 2 of school. And for the first time, I have a real clothes line, with 2 poles and 3 lines strung nicely in between. In the past Kyle has tied up make-shift clothes lines between trees, and cement walls, and bars on windows...and they aren't always at a height that I can easily reach without standing on something. So its been a huge blessing this year to be able to save a little money on electricity and hang out almost all the laundry to dry...especially since Levi has been wearing cloth diapers this year and its better for them to hang in the sun.
That said, the end of April is my least favorite time of year. Its when the fires take over. Traditionally it doesn't rain from April till May 3rd...I'm not sure how scientific it is, but May 3rd is the day that the rains are "supposed" to start. But by the end of April almost all the grass and leaves on the trees are dead. So people start "controlled" fires to clean out fields because its the easiest way and it add nutrients to the ground. And often these fires get out of control. Other times, the forests burn for whatever reason. Either way, during April the mountains and forests burn and the city below gets covered in a thick layer of smoke.
And looks something like this... |
For much of the month we aren't too affected by it because we live higher than the layer of smoke. But once the fires start on our mountain the smoke takes over El Hatillo. According to the newspaper, there have been 5 fires in the last 4 days (3 major) that have burned 1000 hectares (a hectare is equal to 2.47 acres). Two of the major fires and 1 minor are burning in our area. Our house is not in danger but there is ash falling everywhere, it burns your eyes and throat to spend much time outside, and the sun hasn't made it through the smoke in the last couple days. I've tried to keep the windows closed as much as possible, but Levi has gotten a cough and runny nose that I'm pretty sure is from the smoke.
A friend who lives in the city took a picture of our mountain last night.
There's also a bigger fire that is further up the mountain than us. |
So although I'm not quite ready for the end of the cloudless, sunshine filled days, I am ready for the rains to come soon to stop the fires and smoke.