All year long I've been asking Kyle to write a blog since a lot of our big activities are for his job and it'd be nice to hear about them from his point of view. He finally said he would before the end of the year, but then things got extra busy and it just didn't get done. I kept thinking about the blog, realizing it hadn't been updated since Easter, but didn't know if anyone was reading it anyways, so just figured it would get updated eventually. But I recently found out that at least a few people are reading it, so I guess I'll try to get you all caught up since April...divided up into a few shorter blogs...I think.
Semana Santa lasted until April 9th. The only other major activity during the month of April was the ABSH volleyball tournament in San Pedro Sula the 25th-28th. Kyle was coaching 2 of the boys volleyball teams so he had many days of practices and games during the weeks and months beforehand. Juliana and I had planned to go along with the teams, but Juliana got sick the Saturday evening beforehand (the 21st). She woke up that night with a low grade fever, which just kept getting higher and higher over the next few days. I called her doctor Monday morning, took her for an appointment, and had a blood test done by Tuesday, but only knew that she had an infection, not what kind of an infection she had. Wednesday morning, when Kyle was leaving, she was still getting fevers as high as 104/105, so going along was definitely out. So Wednesday morning had to do a urine test with her at home, took the sample down to the lab, then went down later that afternoon for the results, and over to the doctor's office to confirm she had a urinary tract infection. She started antibiotics that afternoon and FINALLY started feeling better by Thursday afternoon.
Meanwhile, Kyle was at the volleyball tournament about 5 hours away. His teams played well, but didn't end up making it to the semifinals. And because I didn't go along there are no pictures to show for it. So instead I'll post a couple pictures of Juliana from after she got feeling better.
chocolate ice cream face |
Pretending to be a kitty in her "kitty house" |
Helping out at Toonie's birthday party |